Carnet v0.24.1 Scores 6/10

Carnet is a fairly good open-source app although has some usability items to be addressed. It has enough text formatting options and Nextcloud integration which is great. I sent them a bug report Sep 18 and more than two months later I haven't heard back #fail
- | | Download Android
- Developer: SpiSoft | Location: Sainte Regis sur seine, France

- Delete a note and they all disappeared until relaunch app- got an error uncaught exception
- Note title is small font and indented, looks odd. It should be at least bold and left aligned with the note text
- After printing it should close the print dialog window
- "Exit" button should be "Save" as it makes me think: will it save or exit and not save?
- Can only select 1 image to attach at a time?
- Sliding toolbar is annoying, was cute the first time but after that not necessary
- Note color only changes the color in the note list not when editing the note (this could also be considered a good thing)
- More options brings up dialog instead of having the options right in the menu
- No undo / redo
- Audio recording is clumsy: click record, then allow recording, then click record again. When done you have to click stop and then "OK", clicking "OK" should stop and save and close the dialog
- Nice default font and font size
- Checklist, not inline but good that it's at the bottom
- Attach image
- Attach audio recording
- Print with options: include title, modification date, creation date
- Line spacing
- Highlighting in many colors
- Import from Carnet archive
- Formatting: bold, italics, underline, oodles of colors
- Free!
- Star an item with 1 to 5 stars
- Import from Google Keep (after you export from Google Keep)
- Desktop versions for Linux and MacOS
- Open Source
- App for Nextcloud!