jtx Board
jtx Board is an Open-Source, standards-based app with calendar integration, Markdown-based notes, and tasks.

jtx Board is an Open-Source, standards-based app with calendar integration, Markdown-based notes, and tasks. It's OK for short notes but a bit awkward for longer notes. jtx could be great for meetings with its calendar integration and support for attendees, location, and tasks. Supports VJournal which I don't know much about, but I intend to research. I expect students could benefit from it.

“More than a decade after the finalization of RFC-5545 there is finally a beautiful and clear app that supports the VJournal component for journals and notes :-)” - Thomas Frank - [1]
DAVx5 has had a collaboration with jtx Board to bring that to [life] and thus you can synchronize it via CalDAV with your own server, which is super nice - so all the data stays where you decide it should. - [4]
- Score: 8/10
- Device: Samsung S20 5G
- Version: 1.02.04-rc08.gplay
- Google Play | Privacy Policy
- Location: Wien, Austria
- Fastmail and Gmail couldn't open up the
file that I shared from the app
- Bullets aren't added when I press enter on the existing bullet, have to manually type "- " for each bullet :(
- In Kanban View of notes, you cannot see the "Planned" queue as the app swipes to the next function (tasks)
- Status of note defaults to final, would be good to have an option to default it to draft
- No
in notes - No WYSIWYG editing
- Too much "chrome" around the note when editing
- Wish it could go full screen i.e. remove the blue frame around the note text
- Share via email puts note title in the subject line (good) and the body (bad)
- Menu item to delete all visible notes, dangerous as I could accidentally do that. I would hide that and make it an optional feature
- Everything slides in from the right, was cute at first but became annoying and adds a perceived sluggishness to the UI
- A simple UI
- Colour code notes
- Grid, list, and compact list of notes
- Order by date created, modified, alphabetically
- Tags on notes
- Share via email, includes the title in the subject line
- Works offline
- Add a separate related URL to a note
- Duplicate a note
- iCal export
- 8 languages supported: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Russian, and Chinese
- Markdown support
- Greys out the markdown tags so it's easier to read, smart!
- Add a contact to a note (owner of the note)
- Quick add dialog
- Status on a note: draft, final, cancelled
- Attach audio recording
- Attach files
- Attach images
- Confidential, public, and private visibility flag per note
- Add geo-location to a note and view it on Google Maps
- Collections of items
- Sync using DavX5 to Fastmail, Nextcloud, or other
- Add comments on a note
- Filter by category, classification, category
- Open-Source
- Local and/or remote collections of notes and tasks
- Standards-based CalDAV and CardDAV
- Create subtasks on a note, first I've seen this!
- A progress bar on subtasks: I'm in love
- Can check off subtasks right from the note list
- Kanban view of notes list out of the box
So, is jtx Board the best?
In the end, jtx Board is not the best Android note-taking app but it is very good and it deserves a lot more downloads than the 1,000+ it has on Google Play. It is Open-Source, standards based, supports Markdown, and attachments. Pretty much all of the key requirements on my list.
Until next week, have a great note-taking weekend and a good week!