Fairly basic note-taking app and service that supports text formatting, 3 heading levels, and different text colors, fonts, and sizes but it does not support Markdown input on Android nor is it local-first or fast.

Welcome to episode #106 of my eternal (?!) adventure to find the best Android note-taking app. Before getting into the app review, a quick welcome to some new followers.
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Over the past couple of weeks, I tried out Loopscribe which was developed by David Ukiwe based out of Melbourne, Australia. David is the Founder of Lectie which is a social calendar service. I don't know if the same company developed Loopscribe.
Overall it's a fairly basic note-taking app and service that supports text formatting, 3 heading levels, and different text colors, fonts, and sizes but it does not support Markdown for input on Android nor is it local-first or fast.
I was going to put the app in my "crapp" (crappy app) folder but gave it a chance. It's still not a great app but has promise if they work on improving it. I question free cloud services because someone, somewhere, some day has to pay!
This morning I finally tried the Web app and really liked how the Journal page had these categories at the top!

Loopscribe is the notes app that inspires writing, reading, reflection & learning.
I liked the tagline but unfortunately, this app didn't inspire me. Maybe because it's still new.
Read on for the ugly, the bad, the good, and the great aspects of Loopscribe (there are no awesome aspects as yet).
- Score: 4/10
- Device: Samsung S23 Ultra
- Version: 2.4.3
- Google Play
- @loopscribe on X
- Location: Melbourne, Australia

- No Markdown input on Android (works on Web)
- Bug: created multiple copies of the same note
- Bug: added extra lines when I saved changes
- Attaching photos in notes didn't work
- No attachments in Notes
- Requires an account
- The hyperlink dialog title is "JavaScript"
- Sluggish to save a note
- The Web app page loading is not smooth
- No sorting or filtering of notes
- Text formatting: bold, italics, underline
- Text alignment
- Bullet list
- Numbered list
- Toolbar
- Show and hide the keyboard button
- Text alignment
- Hyperlink
- Undo and redo
- WYSIWYG editing
- To-do list but separate from note
- Notebooks
- 3 heading levels
- 14 text colours
- Indent and outdent
- Subscript and superscript
- Inline links to photos or videos
- 6 font faces
- 7 font sizes
- Share a hyperlink to a note
- Free
- Journal
- Web app as well
- Nothing yet
The end-ish
Thanks again for subscribing to these reviews. Even though I am doing them less frequently, I still get a kick out of it and enjoy getting messages from some of you. If you've found a new app or an error in this or any review, please let me know. I may not respond quickly, but I will respond!
Have a great note-taking week ahead and if you're in Canada, get those snow tires on!