Notepad by Braden Farmer
Welcome to episode #72 of this weird hobby and obsession to find the best Android (no Apple yet but maybe soon) note-taking app.
If you need a really fast, free, open-source text/Markdown note-taking app, then Braden Farmer's open-source app is a good one to consider. It does precisely what it promises:
A simple, bare-bones, no-frills note taking app
There's no WYSIWYG editing but when you save a Markdown file, it renders it nicely. I was able to crash the app a couple of times and opened issues in GitHub for them.
Read on for the ugly, bad, good, great, and awesome features of Notepad.
- Score: 6/10
- Version: 3.0.3
- Developer: Braden Farmer
- GitHub:
- Privacy Policy
- email:
- Location: Saratoga Springs, UT
- Crashes when clicking an invalid Markdown hyperlink
- Crashes when you try an image link

- Pasting in the current cursor position pastes the text somewhere else
- No image attachments
- No toolbar
- No checkbox
- No undo or redo
- Can't double tap to select text (long press instead)
- No trash
- The first line is the title
- Text formatting: bold, italics, strikethrough
- code block
- 3 fonts
- 5 font sizes
- 5 heading levels
- Dark mode
- Horizontal line
- Quotes
- Hyperlinks
- Sort by date or filename
- Prompt before exiting
- Quick menu to create a new note
- Share via SMS or email or another app
- Export to a text file
- Preview mode renders the Markdown
- Markdown support
- Fast
- Double-tap to edit a note
- Free
- Open Source
- Local first
- Works offline
- Keyboard shortcuts