Noto is a minimal, free, open-source, and fast note-taking app but it does not have any Markdown support. The UI is clean and it uses a nice font which cannot be changed.

Happy Saturday and welcome to app review # 66 as 2022 winds down!
This week I tested Noto which is a minimal, free, open-source, fast note-taking app without any Markdown support. The app's UI is clean and it uses a nice font although you can't change the font or font size, there's no support for adding inline images, and no unordered lists (bullets).
The "oh!" reaction I had to the app was that it implements some interesting user experiences including a nice reading mode, navigating notes in folders, and performing undo or redo actions using swipes.
A feature that is typically only found in more advanced apps is included: version history. That said the UI for it could definitely be improved. Another downside is that I crashed the app once but haven't reproduced the crash again.
Even with those two issues, I'd say Noto is worth a try and it's one I will be checking back in on.

- Score: 6/10
- Version: 2.2.0
- Last updated: 2022-11-15
- Google Play
- alialbaali/Noto - GitHub
- - Web
- Developer: Ali Abaali
- Location: Istanbul, Turkey
- Click the history and it scrolled like crazy
- Crashed it once (not sure of the steps)
- No Markdown support
- No bullets and if you use "-", it doesn't add "- " automatically on the next line
- Share via email doesn't put the note title in the subject line
- No text formatting
- 1 font but I like it
- 1 font size
- No checklists
- No image or audio attachments
- Includes too much of the note body in the note list
- Next and previous buttons appear active even when there are no previous and next notes
- Word counter at the top, fun at first then annoying
- Undo and redo
- Nice font
- Add labels (tags) to a note
- Filter notes by label (tags)
- Created and last updated date and time
- Sort notes by creation date, by last modified date, or alphabetically
- 3 widgets: create a folder, create a note, first note
- Archive a note
- Folders
- Export and import notes to JSON for backup and restore
- Share via email
- Share via text/SMS
- Duplicate a note
- Copy note text
- Change the colour of folders
- Settings per folder
- Basic toolbar
- Pin a note
- Grid view of note list
- Add a note to the home screen
- Set a reminder
- 10 languages: English, Turkish, Arabic, Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Czech, and Italian
- Group notes by creation date, modified date, label
- Show recent notes
- Brightness levels independent from Android settings (optional)
- Setting to place the cursor in the note title or body upon note creation
- 26 folder colours and nice ones
- Nice view of all notes with the ability to collapse and expand folders
- Folder vault for password-protected notes
- Fast
- Open Source: Apache License (Version 2.0)
- Free
- No ads
- Local first
- Reading mode
- Reading mode across notes with previous and next buttons
- Undo and redo via swipe left and right, very cool!
- Version history (see Ugly)