
Orgzly is a completely free and open-source note taking and to-do app with an incredible amount of customization and multiple synchronization options including Dropbox, WebDAV, or a directory. On the downside the app does not support image or audio attachments, is not extremely attractive, and is not that easy to use.
Some of challenges may be due to the app using Org Mode which was new to me. From
The fundamental structure of an Org document is a tree, with nested, collapsible sections forming its backbone. You can fold and unfold whole trees with single keystroke — tab
. Org's trees make for quick, graceful navigation and powerful information hiding that lets you focus on the task at hand without compromising the ability to get the information you need complete it.
With a little more effort on the UI and some marketing this could become one of the better note-taking apps for Android.

- Version: 1.8.6
- Score: 7/10
- Facebook: Orgzly | Twitter: @Orgzly | github: orgzly/orgzly-android
- Play Store | | Help
- Web:
- The first screen is a dialog about What's New but this was the first time I've used the app so, to me, it's all new!
- The second screen shown is the sidebar opened which felt odd
- When editing a note the meta data section is expanded by default which I found annoying and its in-between the title of the note and the note text taking up 80% of the screen real estate. Once you collapse this section once, it remembers so thank goodness for that
- Not very user friendly
- I didn't understand what a lot of the Settings were for
- No image attachments
- Tags are in the meta data, would be good if they could also be in the note text
- The cursor is very faint and thin, so hard to see that I was editing or where the cursor was
- Wish the help was integrated in the app or at least accessible via a link on the sidebar
- Check-boxes in view mode still look like markup [x]
- Text formatting: bold, italics, underlined, strike-through,
- Bullets
- Sub-bullets
- Expand and collapse bullets
- Tags
- Uses Org mode which supports Markup for Rich Contents
A GNU Emacs major mode for keeping notes, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming, maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more — in a fast and effective plain text system.
- Priority on item: A, B, or C
- Hyperlinks
- Search by tag, state, scheduled, or deadline time
- Save as text file
- Search within a note
- Light, dark, black mode
- 3 font sizes: small, default, large
- Preface on each note
- Sort by title and modified time
- Move notes between notebooks
- Export a notebook to .org file -- on Windows VS Code, Vim, Atom, Sublime supports this file format
- Help page
- Link between notes but not trivial, see Help > Links > Note
- Checklist
- One click to expand or collapse all bullets
- Schedule an item with repeat
- State on item: TODO, NEXT, DONE
- Reminders
- Save search queries
- Line density setting: Comfortable, Compact, Cozy
- Sync to Dropbox
- Sync to Directory
- Open Source
- Free!
- No ads!
- Powerful search although I didn't spend much time with the app
- Has a git repo type in development. Enable it under
Settings > App > Developer options
- Extremely well thought out Android widget
tag Greys out a note- Custom properties on notes
- WebDAV support
- Customizable State and Priority names